(818) 979-9899 Appointment

Rapid Syphilis Testing in Glendale and Los Angeles, CA

Syphilis Testing

Our facility offers a comfortable and professional environment for all your testing needs. With our walk-in service, you can receive prompt and reliable testing without needing an appointment.

Syphilis Causes and Symptoms

Syphilis is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI) affecting the genital area, lips, mouth, or anus in both men and women, typically contracted through sexual contact or from mother to baby during pregnancy.

Early syphilis may cause a small, painless sore and nearby lymph node swelling. If untreated, it can lead to a non-itchy rash, often on the hands and feet. Symptoms can disappear and reappear over years, often unnoticed.

Syphilis sores facilitate HIV transmission during sex. In pregnancy, syphilis can cause complications or miscarriage. Rarely, it leads to severe health issues and death.

Syphilis is easily curable with early antibiotic treatment. Using latex condoms correctly significantly reduces, but does not eliminate, infection risk. Polyurethane condoms are an alternative for those allergic to latex. The surest prevention method is to avoid anal, vaginal, or oral sex. Syphilis is a  (STI) caused by bacteria. It infects the genital area, lips, mouth, or anus of both men and women. You usually get syphilis from sexual contact with someone who has it. It can also pass from mother to baby during pregnancy.

The early stage of syphilis usually causes a single, small, painless sore. Sometimes it causes swelling in nearby lymph nodes. If you do not treat it, syphilis usually causes a non-itchy skin rash, often on your hands and feet. Many people do not notice symptoms for years. Symptoms can go away and come back.

The sores caused by syphilis make it easier to get or give someone during sex. If you are pregnant, syphilis can cause complications, or you could lose your baby. In rare cases, syphilis causes serious health problems and even death.

Syphilis is easy to cure with antibiotics if you catch it early. Correct usage of latex condoms greatly reduces, but does not completely eliminate, the risk of catching or spreading syphilis.

Why is Syphilis Testing important?

It’s important to get tested for syphilis as soon as possible since early detection is essential for effective treatment and controlling the transmission of the infection. Untreated syphilis can lead to severe long-term health issues. By getting tested, you can receive a prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment and prevent the further spread of the disease. This not only safeguards your health but also contributes to the well-being of your sexual partners and the community as a whole.

What types of Syphilis Tests are available?

Nobility Health provides quick and trustworthy syphilis tests that detect treponemal antibodies specific to the syphilis infection. Our tests are CLIA waived for fingerstick whole blood.

Our rapid syphilis tests have several benefits, such as being convenient, providing quick results in as little as 10 minutes, and having a high accuracy rate of 97%.

The Syphilis Testing Process

The procedure involves a painless capillary puncture to obtain a small blood sample. This sample is then tested using our rapid syphilis test kits, which utilize advanced technology for accurate detection. Our testing process ensures reliable results, giving you peace of mind and the necessary information to make informed decisions about your health.

When should I test for Syphilis?

If you are sexually active and 18 years old or older, it is recommended that you get tested for syphilis.

It is recommended to get tested for syphilis if you think you might have been in contact with someone who has it or if you are showing symptoms of the infection. It is also advisable to get tested during regular sexual health check-ups or when receiving prenatal care while pregnant.

Syphilis Testing Results

You can get your syphilis test results in just 10 minutes with our quick testing. If the results show that you have treponemal antibodies, additional testing may be needed to confirm the diagnosis and determine the right treatment. Our healthcare team will guide you on what to do next based on your results and provide you with the necessary support and information. It’s crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible if you get a positive result to start the right treatment and prevent complications.

Syphilis Treatment Options

Syphilis is a treatable infection; early detection and treatment are key to preventing complications. Treatment typically involves the administration of antiviral medications, including direct-acting antivirals. A doctor will determine the specific treatment regimen after further diagnosis. It is important to follow the prescribed treatment plan and complete the full course of medication as directed. With prompt and appropriate treatment, syphilis can be effectively cured, reducing the risk of long-term health issues and further transmission of the infection.

Syphilis Testing Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Syphilis Rapid Test?

The Syphilis Rapid Test is a method of testing waived by CLIA. It can detect treponemal antibodies in whole blood, serum, and plasma samples. It provides rapid results within 10 minutes, allowing for timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment decisions.

How Is Syphilis Rapid Test Performed?

To test for Syphilis, a small blood sample is taken through a painless capillary puncture. The sample is then tested using advanced technology in rapid test kits to accurately detect treponemal antibodies.

Is a Syphilis Rapid Test Accurate?

Yes, the Syphilis Rapid Test is highly accurate, with a 97% accuracy rate. It provides dependable results, permitting timely diagnosis and suitable treatment decisions.

Who should get a Syphilis Rapid Test?

The Syphilis Rapid Test is recommended for individuals 18 years and older who are active sexually or participate in risky sexual behavior. It is vital for individuals with multiple sexual partners, those engaging in unprotected sex, or those with known exposure to syphilis or other infections.

How is Syphilis treated?

Syphilis is typically treated with antiviral medications. A doctor will decide on the exact treatment plan following additional evaluation.

Can Syphilis be cured?

Yes, syphilis can be cured with prompt and appropriate treatment. Immediate action and treatment are vital to avoiding complications.

With your health and time in mind, we want to provide a fast and accurate testing experience to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Nobility Health eliminates the laboratory middleman to provide faster, more efficient results. Contact us today to learn how we can help you, your school, and your business control the transmission of COVID-19